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A World-class Community of Innovators
  • World-class Training

    We put our values into action through the power of leading-edge education, research, clinical care, and community partnership to transform and improve lives. Our collaborative community of world-class innovators is committed to academic excellence and creating an inclusive learning environment.

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  • Hub of Innovation

    We are a vibrant innovation hub of multidisciplinary collaborators, medical students, trainees, faculty, and staff from nearly 100 post-graduate majors. One of our unique strengths is our collaborative culture and ability to create innovative partnerships across UC Davis. This includes partnering with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, College of Engineering and College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, along with public and private-industry research partners. 

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  • Community Partnerships

    We are proud to be a part of the robust and diverse communities that make up the Sacramento region. We’re deeply committed to strengthening and building novel collaborations with public, private and community-based partners who share in our mission to improve the health of everyone.  

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UC Davis researchers working in the lab
UC Davis School of Medicine

A Research Powerhouse

In addition to UC Davis School of Medicine’s top 10 national rankings for student diversity, family medicine and primary care, it is among the country’s leading medical schools for transdisciplinary research. In 2022-23, our medical school’s trailblazing research teams achieved a record-high $401 million, contributing substantially to the more than $1 billion in external research funding achieved by UC Davis overall. We’re also ranked 33rd among the nation’s leading medical schools for National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding. 

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